Jon Rohan


Online Employment Scams: How to Save Yourself?

Although employment agencies are very helpful, in many cases you will come across complete hypocrites. You know that employment agencies may ask you about personal information, including your bank details sometimes.

If such sensitive information goes into the hands of scammers, they can use it against you. They can even rob you of the money you have in your bank. 

So, you have to be extremely alert and incredibly careful when you are conducting an online job search. The problem is that such scammers are very experienced, which makes their scamming techniques hard to spot. 

In many cases, they will use information from real organizations and may even show you real resume details. So, you might think that their job offers are convincing, while in reality, they would be no more than carefully crafted lies and scams. 

Following are some common scams and frauds that job seekers may come across. If you are a job seeker, you should be aware of these.

  • Spam Emails

Remember that you may receive emails from companies trying to present themselves as recruiters. They may look like legitimate emails sent through credible sites like Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail, and others. 

Remember that credible employment agencies never use free web-email accounts. Look at how the email is written, and you may be able to spot its unprofessional nature of it. 

Also, do not open any attachments or links unless you can make sure that those are not viruses. Your system must be immune to viruses. That’s why you should always use secure browsers. 

  • Recruiters Asking for Unnecessary Personal Information and Money

If an employment agency asks you about unnecessary personal information, especially financial, or asks for unnecessary payments, it is a clear sign of a scam. Such scams could also be in the name of insurance, and you should be aware of this. 

  • Too Good to Be True Offers

If someone reaches out to you with a too easy and too-good-to-be-true job offer, chances are high that it’s a fake offer. 

How to Save Yourself from Job Scams?

The best way to save yourself from the job scams mentioned above is to rely on credible job employment agencies like Hunt International Employment Agency

Credible employment agencies do not hide anything. You should look up the employment agency you are interested in before submitting your resume on their site. Remember that you shouldn’t trust employment agencies blindly either.  


It is very common to be inundated with fake job offers while surfing through the vast online world of the internet. You might be aware of such scams. 

Every now and then you will come across people texting or emailing you with the promise of offering you your dream job. Make sure that you read such information carefully and separate fraudulent offers from real job offers. 

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Top 5 decisions to make before starting a business

If you are just starting on your business journey there will be some important decisions that you will need to make ahead of time. Making these choices as early as possible will allow you to more effectively begin with planning and setting up your business. To help guide you in this process we have curated a list of the top decisions that you need to make before your start a business. These decisions are key in the early stages of your business and they will help save you both time and money in the long run.

Additional info on starting a business about all things you will need to consider when you are first starting out can be found here.

1. Will your business be online or have a physical presence?

Perhaps the most crucial decision that you will need to make early on will relate to whether your business will be entirely online or if it will have a physical presence. In most industries, there are businesses that work purely online and businesses that work more traditionally. The two can be equally profitable. However, when first starting out a traditional business will often require more funds to begin. Therefore, if you are not certain about where you are getting your funds from yet or about how much money you will have for the initial investment you may want to go for the more reasonable and cost-effective option.

2. Time dedication

If you are building a business, you will quickly realize that there is a lot of time that you will need to dedicate to building your business. With that, come a few different decisions and questions that you must answer for yourself. The most important of these are:

Will you be working on your business part-time or full-time?

Will you have a job while trying to build your business?

If you are quitting your job, what is the timeframe within your business that will need to be sustainable for you to not need to go back to a normal job?

While it may be hard to assume what the actual answer to any of these questions will be at first, the earlier you make this decision. The easier it will be for you to have a work-life balance.

3. Are you starting from scratch?

Depending on the type of business that you will be starting there are a few different options available. Starting from scratch gives you the option of deciding everything for your business without any influence from outside. However, it can also mean that you will need to find clients and people to work with, who will have no idea about who you are. This can be a challenge for any new business. It is also the reason you might decide that taking up a franchise or buying an already existing business is a better option, as both of those options could lead to you establishing yourself and your business faster.

4. What is the legal framework and business structure that works best for your business?

Perhaps one of the most important questions that you will need to ask yourself relates to your business structure. However, chances are you will not be able to adequately make an informed decision on this without the assistance of a tax accountant or lawyer. They will help you understand the differences between operating as a sole trader, a partnership, or a limited company, and possibly assist you with the decision of which one is best for your business.

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Essential Tips to ensure you get the Finest Gambling Experience 

Presently, numerous different places have been made available where you could avail of the various options to enjoy free slots. However, it would be relatively easy to be impressed with the slots sites and end up with a complicated problem. Therefore, if you consider avoiding all the fiasco and enhancing your chances of winning a decent amount online without losing your hard-earned money, read on. 

You would be able to determine the best method to enjoy the pg slot free of charge. You would not be doubtful about the process if you invest in a reliable and reputed online casino. 

Find below a few essential tips to find a suitable slots site. 

  1. Going through reviews 

If you were confused, about what should be done and which link should be clicked, consider going through reviews posted online about the specific gambling website. This method would enable you to determine if you should be investing in a good site or look for another available option. In several ways, it would assist you in forming various opinions. You could also decide about the specific offers made by an online gambling site such as free offers. If you were not adept with technology, it would be a viable option. 

  1. Specialized review websites 

You could also consider logging on to a site specializing in writing various reviews for the sites offering online slots free of charge. It would be a great option provided you were confused about what you would like to choose. It would also help you make sure of the information simultaneously. In a majority of cases, the people would be confused about reviews and unsure about the reliability and reputation of the reviewer, considering making the most of gaining access to the best slots websites online. Rest assured it would be an option worth investing your time and money in. 

  1. Playing without providing confidential information 

Are you worried about sharing your confidential information online? You might want to consider an option to play the slots free of charge online. It would enable you to play the slots without using your credit card. Numerous sites offer this option. Therefore, do not worry about finding one. When you have done adequate research, you would be able to find a reliable and reputed slots site. It would keep you interested and excited in enjoying free slot games without any hassle. Enjoy the best gambling experience by choosing a reputed and reliable casino site. 

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Procedures of a pre-purchase building inspection

Are you looking forward to getting a new house or an office building? Is your real estate transaction going to take place and you are in a position of doubt regarding the quality of that building? Then this article is for you to understand the main procedures to be followed before buying a used building.

Many people are not familiar with the concept of getting the house pre-inspected before buying it. Whether it’s a house or office building that you plan to buy, getting it inspected before making any financial transactions is essential. In the case of a house, you have to be very careful and employ experienced inspection firms like MCM duplex Inspection to be on the safer side.

A house inspection will include many procedures like:

  • Visual inspection
    • Sample testing
    • Thermography
    • Structural strength test

If not all, at least two of the above procedures should be followed without omitting thermography.

Visual inspection

In this process, the whole house or office building is inspected visually by an experienced building inspector. He/she will analyze the various mechanical and electrical components of the house. The estimated age of the house is also established. In this process, the overall condition of your house is evaluated.

Any pest infection visible is also noted. In case any suspicious material is found, then it a sample will be taken for further evaluation.

Sample Testing

After visual inspection, the inspectors collect samples of the material they found suspicious. This material is sent to a lab for testing and establishing its character. Once the samples match with any harmful elements that might destroy the house, they are immediately reported. Once these samples are established then the inspectors will report their origin and effects on the building inspection report.

This will help you in negotiating with the seller on the actual price of the house.


This is probably the most important process to be followed while getting your house inspected before sale. Infrared thermography is a thermal imaging process that works on the principle of heat emission by different bodies. In this process, a thermal image of the part of the house being inspected is made using a thermograph and then used to find out various issues with the house. Plumbing, thermal, and other related issues can be easily found and corrected.

In short, it is very important that you get the house in prospect inspected before the sale as it can help save a lot of money and effort.

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Pawnbroking Through Time

Pawnshops are the oldest forms of business dating back almost 3 millennia. The trade of pawnbroking has evolved with time to suit the different needs societies have. While some things might have changed over the years, the fundamentals have largely stayed the same. Here is a short history:

Pawnshops are run by individuals referred to as pawnbrokers. Pawnbrokers accept valuables pledged by customers as collateral for a short-term loan. Pawnbrokers will assess valuable items ranging from power tools to gold jewellery to determine how valuable they are. The pawnbroker will then based on the valuation offer a loan of a specific amount.

Pawnshops have become so ubiquitous in most communities but a lot of people don’t know that the origins of the business dates way back to ancient times.

Where did it all start?

There has been evidence of pawnbrokers in ancient times from ancient China, France, Italy, Greece, and ancient Roman civilization. Not only are pawnbroking ancient trades but it is one that was practiced widely in virtually every continent. There was a point during the 12th and 20th centuries that there were as many pawnshops in the UK as there were pubs.

Pawnbrokers were always regulated in some way or another.

Many ancient civilizations that had pawnbroking set up specific rules for pawnbrokers. Even the Jewish Torah has rules set out for pawnbroking. The trade appeared in early religions like Judaism and was adopted later on by Christian figures like Pope Leo X who became known for pawning a lot of his palace silver and furniture to pay for the things the church couldn’t provide him with.

The earliest pawnshops have been recorded in China in the 5th century. Back then Buddhist monasteries established and operated pawnshops to help the poor communities. Sometimes the pawnshops were used by wealthy people who would pawn things leaving them in these Buddhist pawnshops to avoid paying certain property taxes.

The pawnbroking trade then spread into the rest of the world. In England, even the monarchy pawned its valuables to finance certain projects. King Edward III pawned the crown jewels in 1338 to raise money for the war against France. King Henry V did the same in 1415.

Pawnbroking also played a role in voyages that led to the discoveries made by the famed Christopher Columbus. It is said, the Spanish Queen Isabella pawned her jewellery to fund the voyage of the three ships Niña, Santa Maria, and Pinta that went on to discover the Americas.

Pawn Shops around the Globe

A lot has changed since the 5th Century when pawnshops were owned by Buddhist monasteries. The business has always been about fair trade and easy access for people who need it the most. The Catholic church for instance mandated that interest rates charges for the poor be reasonable. In England, pawnshops, or Lombards as they were known, were funded by the state and forbidden from charging interest. That, however, proven to be unsustainable and different ideas were tried until the government settled on allowing shops to charge a 1.6% interest rate per month.

The business of pawnbroking has grown and spread throughout the world. Each country has its own rules and interest rates. For instance, pawnshops in American charge an average of 4% interest per month on a 4-month pawn contract. In Russia, Pawnbrokers are only allowed to buy and sell precious metals and precious gems.

Pawnshops have been around for a while in Australia. They are regulated by the state laws and operate under licences that coversthem as money lenders as well as purveyors of second-hand goods. Customers need to be 18 years or older to pawn or sell anything at a pawnshop. For many, pawnshops provide a financial lifeline that a lot of other institutions cannot provide and it is for this reason that this trade will prevail for more generations.

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Why Your Home’s Temperature is Important and How You Can Maintain It

When trying to create the perfect living space, comfort is one of the main factors to consider.  There are many things that contribute to a home’s comfort, and temperature may be the most essential. The atmosphere in a home depends heavily on how well the temperature is maintained throughout it, and this is especially important for areas with harsh weather conditions.

Without proper temperature regulation in a home, the homeowner’s lifestyle can be significantly impacted. Your home is a space where you should be able to get work done, relax and accomplish any household tasks with ease, but with floors too cold to step on or too much humidity in the air, this may become somewhat difficult.

Nearly all homes have a thermostat keeping the temperature in check, but since this is a device that is constantly being used throughout the day, it is important to be selective regarding the kind of device you have and how well it functions. The following are some ways you can maintain the temperature within your home.

Smart Thermostat

When building a smart home, there is a set of essential devices one equips their home with first. These are gadgets that can substantially improve the functionality of your home, saving you money on electrical bills and giving you a convenient way to monitor and control the electronics within your living space. A lot of providers recommend getting these gadgets, you can see the real experience of people yourself at Gexa Energy reviews. One of the devices which can do this is a smart thermostat.

When it comes to a home’s temperature, a smart thermostat’s contribution to your comfort is the most essential. No home is complete without a device like the T9 smart thermostat, which can give you features like remote control and patterns learning for when you’re outside and cannot manually change the temperature throughout your home. By judging the temperature outside, the thermostat will create the perfect atmosphere in your home.

A home’s temperature needs to be uniform throughout for the best experience, and a smart thermostat can ensure this. Certain thermostats will even allow the temperature to be balanced between rooms and hallways, so you can be just as comfortable no matter where you are in the house.

Insulation in the Walls

A thermostat can help maintain a home’s temperature, but that isn’t always enough. There are certain areas where the weather conditions can get too harsh to even be dealt with using a smart thermostat. The heat or cold can find its way into your home through the walls, or any possible leaks in the structure of your home. There is no way to fully prevent this from happening, but you can certainly use some tricks to minimize this impact as much as possible. One of these ways is by adding insulation to the walls of your home.

By insulating the walls, you are essentially adding another layer of protection to your home against the weather outside. The heat in your home will remain trapped longer, and so will the cooling from the thermostat. It will become much more difficult for an imbalance of temperature to be created, since the atmosphere created in your home will remain the same for a longer period of time. 

Check the Windows

As mentioned previously, leaks in your home can result in weakening the functioning of your thermostat. There could be leaks in the walls, doors or windows, which can result in cold air coming in to your home and ruining the atmosphere. This may result in your thermostat having to work extra hard to maintain the temperature in your home, thus consuming a lot more electricity than is due. To avoid this, make sure to inspect these parts of your home to ensure that there are no air leaks. 

Another way windows can change your home’s temperature is by providing access to your home through the glass. Heat can especially get into your home very easily through this glass, which is why knowing when to make use of your curtains is important. You can avoid the temperature being manipulated by adding a layer of insulation in front of your windows, and this will help keep your home’s temperature balanced.

Plant Some Trees

A home exposed to the sun, rain and any other environmental occurrences is much more likely to suffer from a temperature imbalance. This is why it is important to shield it from such things. One thing which may help protect your home from harsh weather outside is sheltering it using trees or some kind of extra roof so that the heat or cold does not have direct access to your home. This can be very helpful since you will have to do this only once and your home will remain sheltered throughout the season. 

You must plant trees in a way that the temperature remains constant without affecting the visibility around your home. If you choose to do this around your windows, make sure it is done in a way that you can still monitor activity in the area.


The importance of your home’s temperature is apparent by how easily it can impact your productivity throughout the day. A thermostat that does not function properly, or a badly insulated home can result in you feeling either too hot or too cold throughout the day. Any air leaks in your home can have the same impact, which is why having it inspected can be helpful – this is especially applicable if you notice fluctuations in your home’s temperature which cannot be explained by the performance of your thermostat. 

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Top 5 Tips for Pension Planning if you’re Self-Employed

As a self-employed individual, you would realise that you won’t have the financial cushion to secure your retirement life government employees. So, when it comes to retirement plans, you must prioritise planning for it before it’s too late. Other than planning and executing plans for your business, it is essential `to think about how you will spend your retirement without having to worry about money. We have specific tips and tricks that will help you plan your retirement if you own a business.

  1. Set a budget

Setting a budget is one of the most important things to do if you are self-employed. Establishing your personal and professional budgets will help you achieve the monetary goal that you have wanted to accomplish for a long time. Hence, without a doubt, if you are particular about the amount you want to set aside each month for your retirement, there will be nothing stopping you from having a stress-free retirement. Set aside at least six months of the overhead budget at first and then keep adding some amount every month for an even better result at the end.

  1. Invest accordingly

Your business is not just a means to your paycheque; it can also turn into your nest egg for your future. It would be best to keep in mind certain things before treating your business as your future support. Invest your profits into the business and take a little less from it today for a profitable tomorrow. Exit/sell your business at the right time when you think it is beneficial, and don’t wait around for your company to make more profit after a few years because that rarely ever happens—exit when the time is right.

  1. A small start goes a long way

A small amount can turn into more significant if invested correctly. Investing a small amount every month and increasing it as per your business’s profits will change your retirement plan and turn it into the most comfortable retirement ever. The small amount you have decided to dedicate to your retirement investment can be anything; that’s up to you. But make sure you increase the amount as soon as your start earning profit. It will only make your retirement plan better.

  1. Pay a fixed amount to yourself every month

Savings is important. If you don’t save as soon as you start earning, you will have a stressful time during your future years. And if you are self-employed, it can be difficult living on a fixed salary even when your business is doing well. But it is vital to avoid overspending your money. The more money you invest in a pension scheme, the better your options to spend in the future. So, choose wisely.

  1. Keep yourself and your family first

Your business is essential, no doubt about that. But you are more critical, so it is important to prioritize yourself and your plans. As per the experts, self-employed people tend to invest all the money back in their business and only keep a certain amount aside for their expenses. Hence, keeping aside a certain amount for your health insurance and retirement plan must become a priority.

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Perfect Swimwear for Girls as Per Their Expertise

Ounass Sale!One Piece, Bikini Set, Frill Scoop & Zip Front Swimsuit for Girls

No doubt, swimming is an inclusive and accessible activity that demands comfortable feelings when you are swimming in the water. It is the reason, swimwear are specially designed to make time in water enjoyable. Apart from self-assurance and comfort, the swimwear must give maximum safety. Choose Ounass promo code just to get a variety of swimwear for girls, including swim briefs, trunks, bikinis, one-piece swimsuit, skirted swimsuits and tankinis. According to the rules of various pools, girls can also try swimming costume, fitted t-shirt for swimming, leggings and swim shorts.

It is obvious that swimsuit should be tight fitted as baggy swimwear made of wool or denim will make your time in water terrible. Heavy material accumulateswater and cause serious problems. It is essential to choose a material that cannot get trapped in different parts of the pool. In this regard, Lycra is considered the best swimwear material. Do not try to wear jeans, trousers, jogging bottoms, baggy t-shirt or leggings over your swimsuit.

Level of Swimmers

  • Beginner Stage

In the beginning, a swimmer can take just one or two strokes. They need maximum support and comfort while swimming. If your little girl has just understood the basics of swimming, it means she is not familiar to aquatic world. Parents should select swimming costume having U-back as it is easy to carry. You can ask for full covered or semi covered costumes to keep your little girl modest as well as safe from sunlight. To cover the bottom, there are specially designed skirts. In order to show some improvement in the strokes, try to provide swimsuits that do not cover hands and arms. Check Ounass promo code when you need to get some markdown on your online shopping.

  • Intermediary Level

After passing the beginner stage, your girl gets acquainted to aquatic world. She feels a bit comfortable when she is in the water. Her practice makes her capable to take three to four strokes. Choose a swimming costume that supports her in better swimming. In this regard,shortsthat cover the thighs are the finest costume as it does not cause any problem in swimming. It is good to choose sleeveless top for better strokes.

  • Advanced Stage

When your daughter has passed the intermediate stage, she gets experience how to spend maximum time in water. Give her a reward in form of an ultra-resistant costume that provides safety from chlorine.

At this stage, the swimmers understand the four strokes properly and they start practicing in order to take part in swimming competitions. For bête support, swimmers need costume that is compressed and just provide the least covering to the body so the swimmers can glide easily with fast speed. There are girls’ swimsuits in V-cut style that offer minimum coverage to legs.

Refer Ounass promo code to choose cross back style and make it certain that the selected swimsuit remains fixed on the body and does not shift when your daughter glides in the water. The sleeveless swimwear is ideal for making all the four strokes with comfort.

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NetbaseQuid Makes Social Listening Easy

For many modern businesses, it can be quite a challenge to figure out what your customers need. It can be an even bigger challenge to figure out what your potential customers need too. Social media listening, however, is a modern-day tool that can go a long way in helping to solve these difficult problems. Not only can this powerful tool help businesses create connections with potential customers, it can also help to strengthen bonds with current customers.

Social media listening, however, is a fairly recent invention that has only gotten traction thanks to the wide-spread use of social media. This means that it can be somewhat difficult to find a company that can provide adequate support for such a tool. Luckily, NetbaseQuid can provide businesses with the tools and support they need to fully take advantage of social media listening.

How NetbaseQuid Is Changing The Way We Do Business

Social listening has the potential to quickly become quite complex. There are many different quirks to pay attention too. It’s all too easy to get lost in the complexity and waste a lot of time. The NetbaseQuid social listening platform, however, offers businesses a way through this complexity using a modern solution. By combining social listening with advance social media analysis, the NetbaseQuid platform makes it possible to quickly and accurately access your customers needs. Not just that, the platform also makes it possible to easily understand the needs of your potential customers too.

By taking advantage of the full suite of social media tools that the platform provides, it’s possible to achieve greater results at an extremely fast rate. Not just that, proper use of the NetbaseQuid platform can also allow businesses to stay ahead of any potential problems before they have the chance to get in the way.

This is all thanks to the efforts of NetbaseQuid, a modern social media tool for modern businesses.

A Modern Tool For Modern Needs

Through careful monitoring of social media, it’s possible to keep tabs with what your customers want. This allows you to provide a much more effective service with the potential to create stronger brand awareness. Likewise, this monitoring also allows you to stay ahead of any potential problems that may be brewing in the background. Being aware of potential problems ahead of time allows you to quickly prepare a proper solution and minimize the negative impact. In some cases, you may even be able to turn things around and create a positive situation instead.

This is all possible thanks to the power of the NetbaseQuid platform. When it comes to social listening, there are very few platforms that can compare to the NetbaseQuid platform. However, this platform can do much more than offer you ways to monitor your customers. It also provides you with a suite of analysis tools that you can use to accurately zero in on the most important aspects of your customers needs. Due to the complexity of social media, it’s easy to become overwhelmed or lost in the information. Without proper analysis, it’s all too easy to make a major mistake that could prove costly or worse.

With the NetbaseQuid platform, it’s easy to avoid this problem in the first place.

The Power Of Analysis In Social Media Listening

The NetbaseQuid platform provides businesses with all the tools they need to make the right decision when it matters the most. When it comes to the customer, the platform provides you with everything you need to understand what the most important factor is in making the best decision.

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The secrets of online slots you could use to win in the game

Everyone is looking for ways on how to win at online casinos most especially in online slots. And you have read a lot of advice online. You read something good and some are not that good. Nobody hates playing online slots. As you have read many good pieces of advice online you already know which one is good and which is not. There are thousands of online slot tips that you will encounter in your life. You learn the secrets of online slots that they don’t want you to understand.

There will be a competition

In every aspect of life, there is a rivalry and also among online casinos which is normal. They are in competition to attract players to play on their website. It is a good thing on your side because you can take advantage of what things they offer. It could be free spins, bonuses or jili ฟรีเครดิต. These casinos are fighting to get you to sign up for their website.

For you to notice a great bonus you will check the betting requirements. This is a multiplier that will tell you the amount that you need to bet before the bonus can be set free as cash.

And as part of the strategy, it is also hard to search for bonuses that don’t have the highest cashout. The other online casinos will limit the amount that you can withdraw from your winnings.

Identify which is worth it

You already observed that there are no wins from the online slots that you are playing. It is best to change to another website. Other slots have the best RTPs compared to the other online slots. It only means the house edge of that slot is lower. When you play with a high RTPs slot you are not sure whether you will win or not. It is still necessary that you use the RNG when you play slots because each spin will be an exceptional event.

When you are planning to invest your money in online slots machines. It will not guarantee that you have a chance to win. They have an RNG to ensure that every spin will be a fair chance for each player to win.

Play using the free spins 

Ever since online casinos are aggressive and they always have new plans to get more new players to join their website. To get new players or having the existing players back to playing. What they will do is to give them free spins and play for a certain slot.

Once they are offering this, grab the opportunity. The free spins are the ticket to try online slots or observe how things work, especially on your bets. You can win the game without costing you money.

Confirm the paytables

It is the best move when you want to win at slots. You can do your study about the best games that you can play before dividing your money. Every slot has a unique paytable and differences which can totally surprise you.

It happened that there is a small difference in the paytables which can also change your bankroll in the long term.

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