
Determine whether or not you have enough transportation

When it comes to purchasing a vehicle, it may make a huge impact. When it comes time to say your last goodbyes after your wedding, consider hiring a Guelph Limousine or an extended SUV. To have a successful event, be sure that the vehicle you choose for transport has the space, facilities, and style you want. Aim to book a vehicle that can hold one or two extra passengers beyond the total number of people in your party. Be careful to check with the company ahead of time to see whether they can provide music (through radio or satellite radio). In the event that you don’t have enough music to last the whole journey, pack an iPod or a mix CD. Seating arrangements and luggage capacity should also be inquired about in the event of large group carriages.

Obtain the whole sum of money due to you

Compare prices from the same source to be sure you are getting the best deal. The pricing policies of each limousine company are typically varied from those of the others. In general, most firms charge for their services by the hour, however some may also provide flat/guaranteed costs for airport transportation or all-inclusive holiday packages to their clients. Look out for “add-ons,” such as fuel surcharges or other service costs that are not included in the base purchase of the car. Tipping drivers 18-20 percent of the usual fee is customary practice. A driver tip is usually included in the price of a service, however some firms leave it entirely up to the customer. Verify the whole cost of your options before making a decision.


For special events like weddings, concerts, proms, sporting events, and roller coasters and other amusement attractions, a package is typically the best choice. Depending on the size of your party and the nature of your event, a package may include a certain number of hours in a vehicle of your choosing. Several companies provide “bulk rate” discounts on a wide range of services, making it possible to save money by purchasing in quantity.

Especially for big gatherings, book your accommodations as soon as feasible

You should begin searching for a limo well in advance of the time you need one. Wedding limos may be reserved up to 18 months in advance by some couples. Limos may be reserved months in advance for proms and other special events. Three to four weeks before your event is a good rule of thumb. Obtain written assurance that you’ve chosen the greatest limo service provider for you. In the week leading up to a large event, it’s a good idea to contact your limousine service provider to make sure everything is running well.

First and first, safety is the most important consideration

It is the most important factor to keep in mind when booking a limo is the safety of everyone in your group while travelling in the vehicle. In the United States, limo firms must be registered with the state, have the proper insurance, and be licensed to operate. Do not take the risk of hiring a limo from a company that cannot supply you with their license and insurance certificates within a fair length of time.

Get organized before you need it

Think about every aspect of your ride before you go on the road. Is there a requirement for ice or other drinks? What’s the best route you’ve ever taken on a journey?


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