
What is the syllabus for HP Police Constable Exam? How much salary is offered to HP Police constable?

Himachal Pradesh State Police conduct examinations to hire constables in the State. The vacancies for police constable are coming from next month. Candidates can get the complete syllabus of any competitive exam along with exam patterns on this portal. Before applying for the HP police constable exam, candidates must know the syllabus. Today we are going to explain everything subject-wise about the HP police such as constable syllabus, exam pattern, eligibility, and provide salary to the constable. The Himachal Pradesh police department has announced to appoint a total number of 1334 HP Police Constable vacancies for Himachal Pradesh state. 

 There are some important criteria to keep in mind before applying for this test.

  •  Applicants should be a minimum of 18 to 23 for the general and  18-25 for ST/SC and others.
  •  Minimum 12 passed out from a recognized school board.
  • Questions will be asked from English, Hindi, Maths,  General Awareness, and Reasoning Aptitude subjects.
  • A total of 16 questions from each subject will be asked.
  •  The whole syllabus of the Himachal Pradesh Police Constable will be based on 10+2 level Only.
  •  Minimum Qualifying score for ST and SC Candidates are 40% 
  • Whereas General and other categories have to score a minimum of 50 % to qualify for this exam. 
  • The overall time duration is 60 minutes to attempt a total of 80 questions. 
  • The exam will be taken through paper pen mode offline. 
  • The question paper will be based on multiple question type 
  • No Negative marking for incorrect answers.

HP Police Constable Selection Process

The candidates who are applying for police constable under Himachal Pradesh police will go through the entire HP Police Constable Selection Process which is as follows: 

Sr.NoTest Level
1Writing examination 
2Physical standard test
3Physical Efficiency Test
4Medical test
5Personality test
6Character verification

Candidates have to satisfy all the above eligibility criteria to become police constables of Himachal Pradesh. 

Syllabus for HP Police Constable Exam

The whole syllabus step by step subject-wise along with its covered topics below.

(1)English This section will Contain Phrases, Comprehension, Voice, Fill in the Blanks, Error Detection, Grammar, Synonyms, Antonyms, Vocabulary, Plural Forms, Tenses, Translation of Sentences,  Correction of Sentences, etc.
(2)General Awareness General Awareness includes all the elements related to Countries & Capitals, Sports, Abbreviations, Budget and Five Year Plans Important Days and Date, Current Affairs – National and InternationalImportant Financial and Economic News, Books and Authors, Science: Inventions  Discoveries, International & National Organizations 
(3)Hindi मुहावरे और वाक्यांश।, शब्दावली।, समानार्थक शब्द।,  . विलोम शब्द।, एक शब्द प्रतिस्थापन।, बोध मार्ग, आदि।, 
(4)Reasoning Coding-Decoding, Decision Making, Judgment, Directions, Analogies, Arithmetical Reasoning, Syllogistic Reasoning, Cubes and Dice, Non-Verbal Series, Mirror Images, Alphabet Series, Problem Solving, Visual Memory, Clocks & Calendars, Number Series, etc.

(5)Quantitative Aptitude Topics:-Time and Distance, Percentage, Data Interpretation, Ratio and Time, Mixtures & Allegations, Fundamental Arithmetical Operations, Average, Discount, Ratio and Proportion, Interest, Number Systems, Profit & Loss, Decimals & Fractions, Time & Work, etc.

Himachal Police Constable Exam Pattern 

  1. Written test (WT)

All the written tests will be conducted on the same day at various exam centers of the state. HP police constable exam consists of objective type multiple choice questions (MCQ).  A total number of 80 questions will be asked in the HP police constable exam 2021. There is a total number of 5 subjects containing a set of 16  questions Equally. No negative marking for the wrong attempt. 

We have evaluated detailed information subject containing marks through the table below.

Sr. NoSubjectNo.of Ques.Marks
3General Knowledge1616
4Mathematics & Science1616
8Reasoning Aptitude1616

HP Police Physical Standard Test (PST)

  •  Candidates who will pass out the written exam will be listed in the preliminary qualifier. After completing this stage candidates have to appear for a written review.
  • The ideal age limit is 18-23 years for general candidates and 18-25 years for ST, SC, Gorkha, and others.
  • The chest measurement should be 31*32 inches for general and 29*30 inches for ST SC and others.
  •  Height for male candidates should be 5.6 inches for general/OBC and 5.4 inches for ST, SC, and others.
  • The ideal Height for females is 5.2inch for the general and OBC categories.  Whereas the ST/SC and others should have at least 5 feet.

Character Verification

  •  Following the medical test applicants must undergo a character verification process.
  •  Candidates who qualify for every stage successfully are eligible to take this test.
  •  This is the final process of selection of constables under the police department.
  •  This process is examined by District Police to assess the character of the applicant.
  • This is done to verify whether the applicant had engaged himself/herself in any anti-national activities. Or there are any police cases registered against them.
  •  If Anything suspicious is found against the candidate, he or she will lose a chance to appear for any government examination in the future.

HP Police Constable Salary 

  •  The starting pay scale of a constable will be in between INR 5910/- to 20200/- and additional grade pay is INR  1900/-
  •  The pay scale of a constable is almost similar in all the states


So these were the stages and syllabus through which Himachal Pradesh police hire the constable for the police department in the state. The applicant must ensure physical eligibility, and all related criteria to be fulfilled. One can achieve a really good score by following the proper syllabus under the guidance and by themself with BYJU’s Exam Prep.  Before appearing in the test, check the subjects you are good or bad at. This will help you to understand your abilities. The syllabus is almost easy, which is covered in everyone’s 12th, and also it is the basics. Aptitude can be a little difficult for those who are weak in maths. Still, everything is possible to achieve with the right strategy and preparation techniques.