
Different Types Of Traffic Control Devices

Setting up construction sites or work zones in the middle of the road or at public places can be a challenging task as the site planner is under obligation to ensure not just traffic safety but also the safety of the pedestrians and the locals. So, hiring traffic management companies can help tackle this situation very effectively. They may use various traffic control devices to provide safety for all. These traffic control devices guide, direct, and navigate the drivers by providing visual indicators. Some of their types are discussed below:

  • Signs

Signs are the most common yet significant traffic control devices. These road signs provide local information to the drivers. These are made of highly reflective materials to ensure better visibility at night too.

  1. Regulatory signs- These declare the accepted legal use of the immediate public roadways. 
  2. Warning signs- These signs warn drivers of driving hazards like animal crossings or twisting paths.
  3. Guiding signs- These help drivers find their destinations by providing routes.
  • Barriers and Channelizers

To make work zones safe and secure for the general public as well as the traffic, site planners or traffic managing bodies make use of barriers and channelizers, which can control and regulate the traffic, warn against hazards, and mitigate accidents quite effectively. Traffic delimiters and cones are often used to provide warnings around work zones. 

  • Neck downs

Neck downs are yet another efficient traffic control device. A neck down, which is also commonly known as chokers or bulbs, is usually installed at intersections. These can also be used at or around work zones to slow down the traffic and prevent accidents. Neckdowns can radically reduce the distance for foot traffic, crossing streets. 

  • Bollards

Bollards are visual elements that can alert the drivers of the changes in the lane patterns. Work zones can lead to several temporary changes in the lanes or the routes, of which the drivers need to be made aware. So bollards can be installed to withstand vehicle impacts, ensuring the safety of pedestrians and drivers. Bollards thus can easily guide and navigate the traffic around a construction site. 


In this way, traffic control devices near work zones are of utter importance as these can effectively prevent accidents and allow smooth flow of traffic. Here, Capital Traffic can provide solutions on the maintenance and the implementation of safe work zones. 


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