
Do You Want to Switch from Wooden to Plastic Pallets?

These days, most companies are considering switching to plastic pallets and dumping the conventional industry standard wooden pallets while shipping their goods.

Naturally, the question may arise in your mind why all businesses are doing this. After all, the traditional wooden material has been under use for so long and most International Export also use them.

Whether you go for a wooden pallet or a plastic one, you will need a pallet inverter, which you can get designed as per your need with the help of engineers of Top Industries.

Let us try to know the pros and cons of both types of pallets:

Pros of wooden pallets

  1. In the short term, your wooden pallets will be comparatively more cost-effective than plastic pallets.
  1. They are quite durable, and supporting and also can transport large loads.
  1. If ever broken or damaged, then it is easier to repair rather than replace them.

Cons of wooden pallets

  1. Wooden pallets are comparatively less durable than their plastic counterparts and can get damaged in many ways.
  1. Wooden pallets may also pose certain safety hazards.
  1. Wooden pallets may easily break or splinter.
  1. They can also warp in moist weather.
  1. They are also quite prone to fungal or bug infestations.
  1. They need to be stored in a cool, dry environment and are often quite challenging to clean.
  1. Before transporting, you need to sanitize to alleviate hygiene concern
  1. Finally, wooden pallets are much heavier than plastic, and thus increase travel costs, risk of injury, and also negativity impact on the workplace.

Pros of plastic pallets

  1. Plastic pallets are much more durable and long-lasting than wooden pallets.
  1. Although the initial investment can be higher in longer run, it will be a cost-effective option
  1. All the damage that most wooden pallets may readily receive will be totally non-existent for plastic pallets.
  1. No more splintering and warping like wooden pallets.
  1. No serious safety concerns.
  1. No fungal and bug infections.
  1. Easy to clean and sanitize
  1. Much lighter than wooden pallets and thus reduces travel cost.
  1. Plastic pallets are recyclable.

Cons of plastic pallets

  1. Plastic pallets will need a higher upfront cost as compared to wooden pallets
  1. They are difficult to repair.

Remember a few dos and don’ts while you are considering switching your pallets from wood to plastic.


  • Before going for a change, analyse the reasons why your company will be benefitted from this change.
  • Find the most efficient and ergonomic way to do the switchover.
  • Consider the efficiency of your operation due to changeover.

It is crucial to first consider the packaging of the product you wish to replace. Is it in a bag or box? Maybe a combination of both? or another item, perhaps drums? The product will ultimately determine which version is more suitable.


  • Avoid switchover without doing a thorough cost-benefit analysis.

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